PC of QC, AZ:
1st Place, The Ancient City of Matera, Italy.jpg
PC of QC, AZ:
2nd Place, A Minneapolis Evening.jpg
PC of QC, AZ:
3rd Place, Bridges of the Arno.jpg
PC of QC, AZ:
Minneapolis History.jpg
PC of QC, AZ:
PC of QC, AZ:
Humboldt City Closed for the Season.jpg
PC of QC, AZ:
IMG_0006 (3).jpg
PC of QC, AZ:
IMG_0003 (3).jpg
PC of QC, AZ:
PC of QC, AZ:
Apartment for Rent.jpg
PC of QC, AZ:
PC of QC, AZ:
Philly Skyline.jpg
PC of QC, AZ:
PC of QC, AZ:
Santorini at Sunrise.jpg
PC of QC, AZ:
Red Roofs of Florence.jpg
PC of QC, AZ:
Baton Rouge and Mississippi.jpg
PC of QC, AZ:
DT Baton Rouge from Capitol.jpg
PC of QC, AZ:
Baton Rouge Industial.jpg
PC of QC, AZ:
Baton Rouge Capitol Building.jpg
PC of QC, AZ:
Texas Capitol.jpg
PC of QC, AZ:
Texas Capitol Daytome.jpg
PC of QC, AZ:
Scottsdale JS5_8707.jpg
PC of QC, AZ:
PC of QC, AZ:
Tucson City Lights.jpg
PC of QC, AZ:
PC of QC, AZ:
Surveying Auckland.jpg
PC of QC, AZ:
Old and New in Brisbane.jpg
PC of QC, AZ:
PC of QC, AZ:
Downtown JS5_3758.jpg
PC of QC, AZ:
Tucson Street Scen.jpg