bernd obervossbeck: On my way to La Gomera
bernd obervossbeck: living on the edge
bernd obervossbeck: Forest on La Gomera
bernd obervossbeck: Elements of nature
bernd obervossbeck: the light at the end of the tunnel
bernd obervossbeck: no risk no fish
bernd obervossbeck: no risk no fish II
bernd obervossbeck: Lizard on La Gomera II
bernd obervossbeck: Lizard on La Gomera I
bernd obervossbeck: pacing off the area
bernd obervossbeck: no overtaking...
bernd obervossbeck: decorating the road for the procession
bernd obervossbeck: Road to nowhere
bernd obervossbeck: Inside La Gomera
bernd obervossbeck: living at the rock
bernd obervossbeck: special moment...
bernd obervossbeck: rays of light
bernd obervossbeck: sleeping colours
bernd obervossbeck: View from La Gomera to Tenerife
bernd obervossbeck: Stairway to heaven
bernd obervossbeck: living with colours
bernd obervossbeck: beautiful nature