wunetus: Nepenthes hamata
wunetus: IMG_0328
wunetus: Nepenthes hamata
wunetus: IMG_0326
wunetus: IMG_0325
wunetus: IMG_0324
wunetus: IMG_0322
wunetus: nepenthes hamata
wunetus: IMG_0302
wunetus: IMG_0069
wunetus: IMG_0066
wunetus: Nepenthes singalana
wunetus: Group shot stenophylla x fusca, veitchii candy striped and singalana :)
wunetus: Nepenthes albomarginata
wunetus: Nepenthes hamata
wunetus: Nepenthes hamata
wunetus: Nepenthes chaniana
wunetus: 10.6. took 11 weeks to germinate (25.3.)
wunetus: 10.6. took 11 weeks to germinate (25.3.)
wunetus: 1 week old nep seedling
wunetus: nepenthes spectabilis x aristolochioides
wunetus: n. mulu xz lowii
wunetus: n. spect
wunetus: planted Nepenthes seeds
wunetus: planted Nepenthes seeds
wunetus: N tiveyi
wunetus: IMG_1154
wunetus: n tiveyi first upper