focus- transport:
DKC 365L Merseyside PTE 1365 Leyland Atlantean with Alexander body at Liverpool
focus- transport:
F135 SPX Stagecoach Ribble 135 Dennis Javelin with Duple 300 body at Liverpool
focus- transport:
FHF 451 Wallasey Corporation Motors No 1 Leyland Atlantean with Metro-Cammell body at Liverpool
focus- transport:
FKF 933G Merseyside Transport 1054 Leyland Panther with Metro-Cammell body at Liverpool
focus- transport:
H105 GEV Grey Green 405 (ex County Bus Thameside) Leyland Olympian with Northern Counties body at Liverpool
focus- transport:
HTU 155N Crosville DVG 266 Bristol VR with Eastern Coachworks body at Liverpool
focus- transport:
WFM 816L National Bus Company Crosville Motor Services SNL 816 Leyland National at Liverpool