heathertarman: #curvybeloved #grounding #mountain pose #beyourownbeloved #practice
heathertarman: #beyourownbeloved day 10 #shadows
heathertarman: #beyourownbeloved #gremlins day 9
heathertarman: #curvybeloved #practice #mountainpose in the wild flowers at Rocky Mountains!!
heathertarman: lucy leaf
heathertarman: heart-shaped leaf vine
heathertarman: botanical garden
heathertarman: installation at the botanical garden
heathertarman: prickly pear blossom
heathertarman: #beyourownbeloved day 7 looking with love #nofilter
heathertarman: Giraffe & Zachary Bottoms
heathertarman: Giraffes
heathertarman: Giraffes
heathertarman: Polar Bear
heathertarman: Roaming Peacock
heathertarman: Pouty fish face
heathertarman: Ben making pouty fish face
heathertarman: Feather
heathertarman: Sea Horse!
heathertarman: Sea Horse!
heathertarman: Gaggle of Geese
heathertarman: Chaco's Freelancing friends
heathertarman: Chaco's Freelancing friends
heathertarman: Elephant
heathertarman: Elephant
heathertarman: Denver Zoo
heathertarman: Ganesh at Denver Zoo
heathertarman: Denver Zoo
heathertarman: Denver Zoo
heathertarman: Hanging out