heathertarman: floating flowers
heathertarman: Pond and lobby in Chennai.
heathertarman: Beautiful staircase in the lobby of the hotel in Chennai. Looks like the Titanic.
heathertarman: Beautiful hallway at hotel with mirrors and lights. It took FOREVER to get this shot.
heathertarman: Beautiful tree in a marble vase that is decorated with fresh lilies. So beautiful. Hotel Lobby in Chennai.
heathertarman: IMG_0994
heathertarman: Love these flowers. I have only ever seen them in India.
heathertarman: IMG_0999
heathertarman: IMG_1001
heathertarman: Lotus Flower Stems
heathertarman: Spiral Staircase
heathertarman: Headstand!!
heathertarman: Cooking Culture
heathertarman: Indian Nachos
heathertarman: The Special?
heathertarman: more pretty doors
heathertarman: beautifully carved door
heathertarman: IMG_1032
heathertarman: beautiful doorway with stairs
heathertarman: Sun on the temple through a covered window
heathertarman: I'm Ron Burgundy??
heathertarman: sun over the temple
heathertarman: clock tower through a leaf shaped carving
heathertarman: door and arches
heathertarman: so many doors
heathertarman: old washed out door