sky_blue4460: Christmas around the world
sky_blue4460: Merry Christmas and a Peaceful New Year
sky_blue4460: Jesus Christ is born
sky_blue4460: Christ is born --- Adoration of the three Magi
sky_blue4460: Christ is born --- Shepherds and The three Magi
sky_blue4460: The Holy Night
sky_blue4460: P1070091
sky_blue4460: Peace on Earth
sky_blue4460: P1060836
sky_blue4460: Christ is born
sky_blue4460: Peace on Earth --- Christ is born
sky_blue4460: P1060904
sky_blue4460: P1070133
sky_blue4460: P1070093
sky_blue4460: P1070114
sky_blue4460: P1070125
sky_blue4460: "Let it snow. . ."
sky_blue4460: P1070124
sky_blue4460: P1070009
sky_blue4460: P1070157
sky_blue4460: P1070160
sky_blue4460: P1070126
sky_blue4460: P1070123
sky_blue4460: Christmas card, baer von pappe
sky_blue4460: Three Robins on a Branch at Christmas
sky_blue4460: P1070161
sky_blue4460: Merry Christmas
sky_blue4460: P1070132
sky_blue4460: P1070131
sky_blue4460: P1070159