contemplari1940: Ruin of the Gorge Flour Mill, Normanville, Fleurieu Peninsula South Australia
contemplari1940: Seen from outside, remains of chimney stack of Mercunda Hall where school was conducted, Waikerie Line, South Australia
contemplari1940: Ruins of the Dawson Hotel, Mid North South Australia
contemplari1940: Eucolo Creek on the Stuart Highway, Wirraminna, South Australia
contemplari1940: Blackeby's Old Sweet Shop, Adelaide South Australia
contemplari1940: Blackeby's Old Sweet Shop, Adelaide South Australia
contemplari1940: Redhill Institute and Soldiers' Memorial. South Australia
contemplari1940: Headstone of Mary Penfold, St George's Anglican Church graveyard, Magill, South Australia
contemplari1940: Flurry of Sulphur Crested Cockatoos spooked from their breakfast this morning. Flinders Park South Australia
contemplari1940: Entrance to Memorial Chapel with Soldier Statue by John Stuart Dowie AM, Roseworthy Agricultural College, South Australia
contemplari1940: Aldinga Institute built in 1934, South Australia
contemplari1940: Railway Bridge over the floodway near Leigh Creek, Flinders Ranges South Australia
contemplari1940: Black Rock railway siding remains with the line to nowhere now, Flinders Ranges South Australia
contemplari1940: Clinton Centre. Headstone of John Rumble late of Port Wakefield, at the Methodist Cemetery South Australia