sparkie.3222: After the Storms
sparkie.3222: Battered Cliffs
sparkie.3222: Calm Seas
sparkie.3222: Footprints
sparkie.3222: Jacob's Ladder
sparkie.3222: January Storms 2013
sparkie.3222: Looking Towards Connaught Gardens
sparkie.3222: Low Tide
sparkie.3222: Out to Sea
sparkie.3222: Pebbles
sparkie.3222: Playing in the River
sparkie.3222: Playing on the Beach
sparkie.3222: River Sid
sparkie.3222: Rockpools
sparkie.3222: Sea Defences
sparkie.3222: Towards the Hotels
sparkie.3222: Waves upon the Esplanade
sparkie.3222: Sidmouth Graveyard
sparkie.3222: Sunset over the hills
sparkie.3222: Sunset over the hills