Newman, JA: Golden-fronted Woodpecker (Male)
Newman, JA: Green Jay
Newman, JA: Pheasant
Newman, JA: Cedar Waxwing
Newman, JA: Altamira Oriole
Newman, JA: White-Winged Dove
Newman, JA: Steller's Jay
Newman, JA: Pheasant
Newman, JA: Golden-fronted Woodpecker (male)
Newman, JA: Altamira Oriole
Newman, JA: Caught in the Act
Newman, JA: Northern Flicker
Newman, JA: Downy Woodpecker Female
Newman, JA: Pileated Woodpecker Male
Newman, JA: Great Horned Owl
Newman, JA: One of those moments...
Newman, JA: Wounded
Newman, JA: Short-eared Owl
Newman, JA: Belted Kingfisher
Newman, JA: Red-winged Blackbird Male
Newman, JA: Great Horned Owl
Newman, JA: Northern Flicker Male