Owl Prints: Winter trees
Owl Prints: Winter trees
Owl Prints: Winter trees
Owl Prints: Batford Springs Nature Reserve
Owl Prints: Batford Springs Nature Reserve
Owl Prints: Sunset
Owl Prints: Frost
Owl Prints: Frost
Owl Prints: Frost
Owl Prints: Frost
Owl Prints: Frost
Owl Prints: Frost
Owl Prints: Catkins
Owl Prints: Sunset
Owl Prints: Sunset
Owl Prints: Clematis 'Alba Luxurians'
Owl Prints: Pennisetum villosum. Setaria macrostachya
Owl Prints: Ferns
Owl Prints: Ferns
Owl Prints: Snow in the garden. March 2013.
Owl Prints: Snow in the Garden
Owl Prints: Snow in the garden. January 2013.
Owl Prints: Frosted Verbena bonariensis
Owl Prints: Frosted Anemone × hybrida
Owl Prints: Frosted Anemone × hybrida
Owl Prints: Frosted Pulmonaria
Owl Prints: Miscanthus sinensis 'Graziella'. December 2010.
Owl Prints: Miscanthus sinsensis. December 2010.
Owl Prints: Cephalaria gigantea
Owl Prints: Cephalaria gigantea