mtj48: 20170524_072126_1496328512228
mtj48: 20170618_115044_1497881908788
mtj48: 20170618_114424_1497881908435
mtj48: 20170427_082837
mtj48: Bracelet
mtj48: Bracelet
mtj48: DSC_0211
mtj48: DSC_0196
mtj48: 20160824_192217
mtj48: Beaded wrap bracelet
mtj48: Blue beaded wrap bracelet
mtj48: DSC_0615
mtj48: Maid of Honor and Bridesmaid gifts for my niece's wedding. 1 of 2.
mtj48: Maid of Honor and Bridesmaid gifts for my niece's wedding. 2 of 2
mtj48: Graduation gift for my niece
mtj48: Macro Monday-Twist-Rose ring
mtj48: Macro Monday-Twist-Rose rings
mtj48: Zentangle
mtj48: Zentagle
mtj48: DSCN3578
mtj48: DSCN3577
mtj48: DSCN1328
mtj48: DSCN0246
mtj48: Wedding quilt
mtj48: Pink and pink quilt
mtj48: A Mother's love
mtj48: The colors of Italy quilt
mtj48: Mauve colored quilt
mtj48: Butterflies and flower quilt
mtj48: Crazy quilt