Just 1 more for the road: Grosnez Milky Way
Just 1 more for the road: Grosnez Milky Way
Just 1 more for the road: Grosnez Milky Way
Just 1 more for the road: Grosnez Milky Way
Just 1 more for the road: A pair of Persieds ...
Just 1 more for the road: Deneb and vicinity ..
Just 1 more for the road: Deneb and vicinity ..
Just 1 more for the road: 10903871_411970025641637_6265762290120431297_o
Just 1 more for the road: Early season milk way ..
Just 1 more for the road: 11950162_484443771727595_8465004643686537859_o
Just 1 more for the road: 12087859_489745434530762_5587201270448355947_o
Just 1 more for the road: Pleiades ... aka 7 sisters, M45
Just 1 more for the road: Moon & Venus at disk ..
Just 1 more for the road: 15732645_676817572490213_4237086530905011834_o
Just 1 more for the road: 15800157_676423519196285_1265291410720345374_o
Just 1 more for the road: Moon & Venus ...
Just 1 more for the road: 15995035_685241021647868_8768596103046867749_o
Just 1 more for the road: 16177663_688206448017992_395071681702480065_o
Just 1 more for the road: 16178608_685728631599107_8161647437650524371_o
Just 1 more for the road: 16179184_687122628126374_1351681130915518668_o
Just 1 more for the road: Moonlit winters eve ...