SeeNewcastleUK: Siren - Andre Wallace 1995
SeeNewcastleUK: Lort Burn
SeeNewcastleUK: Give and Take - Peter Randall-Page 2005
SeeNewcastleUK: Column and Steps - Andrew Burton 1996
SeeNewcastleUK: River Tyne - Neil Talbot 1996
SeeNewcastleUK: River God - Andre Wallace 1996
SeeNewcastleUK: Swirl Pavillion - Raf Fulcher 1998
SeeNewcastleUK: Blacksmiths Needle
SeeNewcastleUK: Confluence - Sue Woolhouse & Jim Roberts 1999
SeeNewcastleUK: River God
SeeNewcastleUK: 1981 Newsham Architects. (Mural in Coloured Bricks) Sallyport Crescent, Newcastle
SeeNewcastleUK: IMG_4954.JPG
SeeNewcastleUK: IMG_7894.JPG
SeeNewcastleUK: IMG_7925.JPG
SeeNewcastleUK: IMG_7925.JPG
SeeNewcastleUK: IMG_7886.JPG
SeeNewcastleUK: IMG_7926.JPG
SeeNewcastleUK: IMG_7926.JPG
SeeNewcastleUK: IMG_7916.JPG
SeeNewcastleUK: IMG_7916.JPG
SeeNewcastleUK: IMG_8209.JPG
SeeNewcastleUK: River God - Andre Wallace 1996
SeeNewcastleUK: River God - Andre Wallace 1996
SeeNewcastleUK: River God - Andre Wallace 1996