danalcreek: It's not mine / A dedication to Dad
danalcreek: In the distance
danalcreek: Just add alittle sunshine
danalcreek: Backbone creek
danalcreek: There's beauty in there
danalcreek: Sunset in D.C.
danalcreek: Thru the cracks
danalcreek: Lighting up the sky
danalcreek: HMM - backlit
danalcreek: Supermoon 2016
danalcreek: Ahhh!!! Country Life is Grand
danalcreek: Beauty and the Beach
danalcreek: Cape Hatteras Island Lighthouse, N.C
danalcreek: Ocracoke Island Lighthouse, N.C.
danalcreek: Brodie Island Lighthouse - Nagshead, N.C.
danalcreek: Structure on James River - Hopewell, Virginia
danalcreek: Mornings like this....
danalcreek: A morning sunrise in Decatur, Oh