bjward52: A Cranefly ? Tipula vittata. Glendon, Northamptonshire. John W Ward.
bjward52: Armillaria species. Glendon, Northamptonshire. John W Ward.
bjward52: Chrysopa perla, Green Lacewing. Glendon, Northamptonshire.
bjward52: Colourful lichens magnified on an old fence at Glendon, Northamptonshire. John W Ward.
bjward52: Dead Man's Fingers, Glendon, Northamptonshire, John W Ward.
bjward52: Dock Bug at Glendon, Northamptonshire.
bjward52: Dock Bug. Glendon, Northamptonshire.
bjward52: Eristalis arbustorum Hoverfly. Glendon, Northamptonshire. John W. Ward.
bjward52: Eupeodes species. Glendon, Northamptonshire. John W Ward.
bjward52: Ferdinandea cuprea. Glendon, Northamptonshire. John W Ward.
bjward52: Forest bug.( immature ). Glendon, Northamptonshire. John W. Ward.
bjward52: Green Grasshopper. Glendon, Northamptonshire. John W Ward.
bjward52: Harvesman. D ramosus at rest on an old fence. Glendon, Northamptonshire. John W Ward.
bjward52: Harvestman Leiobunum species. Glendon, Northamptonshire. John W Ward.
bjward52: Harvestman O canetrinii ( Female) Glendon, Northamptonshire. John W Ward.
bjward52: Harvestman. D. ramosus. Glendon, Northamptonshire.
bjward52: Lactarius controversus Blushing Milkcap. Glendon, Northamptonshire. John W Ward.
bjward52: Magnified lichens on an old fence at Glendon, Northamptonshire. John W Ward.
bjward52: Male and Female Hazel Flowers and Catkins. Glendon, Northamptonshire. John W Ward.
bjward52: Meadow Grasshopper, Glendon, Northamptonshire. John W Ward.
bjward52: Nephrotoma flavipalpis. Glendon, Northamptonshire. At rest on an old fence.
bjward52: Paxillus species. Glendon, Northamptonshire. John W. Ward.
bjward52: Rhingia rostrata.Glendon, Northamptonshire. John W Ward.
bjward52: Rust Fungus. Glendon, Northamptonshire. on bramble.
bjward52: Saxon wasp queen, Glendon, Northamptonshire. John W Ward.
bjward52: Scarlet Hood H coccinea. Glendon, Northamptonshire. John W Ward.
bjward52: Soap Tricholoma. Under hazel. Glendon, Northamptonshire. John W Ward.
bjward52: Spotted Crane fly. Glendon, Northamptonshire. John W Ward.
bjward52: St Mark's Fly On an old fence at Glendon, Northamptonshire. John W Ward.
bjward52: Tapered Drone Fly, Glendon, Northamptonshire. John W Ward.