DREASAN: closed and done with
DREASAN: high noon
DREASAN: wired
DREASAN: M like Mallorca
DREASAN: threesomes are overrated
DREASAN: bored between schedules
DREASAN: good day sunny-drunk
DREASAN: life as a roundabout
DREASAN: sun TV and all that
DREASAN: self evident
DREASAN: sail away, dream the dream
DREASAN: enough rope already
DREASAN: tied, loosely
DREASAN: no day to drown
DREASAN: fast forward, Jill hollered
DREASAN: red rope where ever we go
DREASAN: lines of segregation
DREASAN: the other day at the airport
DREASAN: esst mehr Obst
DREASAN: more rain
DREASAN: natural course, sort of
DREASAN: kraftwerk
DREASAN: inside the ruins of a walled city
DREASAN: and an old fashioned millionaire
DREASAN: linien und löcher
DREASAN: dirt is a carefree artist
DREASAN: manly things
DREASAN: end of the day