DREASAN: fell from grace and almost died
DREASAN: badly lit sunset
DREASAN: lover's vision
DREASAN: shelter me
DREASAN: today's mood in a nutshell
DREASAN: clinging to a tiny hook doesn't do the trick
DREASAN: clean cuts
DREASAN: what if life IS better on the other side of the fence...
DREASAN: green means go...
DREASAN: missing you already
DREASAN: enough is enough
DREASAN: always an option
DREASAN: plenty of room for discarded dreams
DREASAN: move on up!
DREASAN: don't send me back to the hole. please...
DREASAN: scalpel. swap. magic bolt cutter...
DREASAN: trapped inside a kindertröte
DREASAN: growing a new spine, perhaps
DREASAN: a(r)mored again
DREASAN: attraction/repulsion
DREASAN: launch failure for the romance machine
DREASAN: careful with that accelerant
DREASAN: decisions, decisions...
DREASAN: unfair
DREASAN: carpe diem or whatever
DREASAN: feierabend / closing time
DREASAN: up against the wall
DREASAN: farewell to foreboding!
DREASAN: he loves me, he loves me not...plingplingpling
DREASAN: simple mathematics