Achim Thomae Photography: Ponte Vasco da Gama - Portugal
vedebe: Vers l'inconnu... / To the unknown...
vedebe: Dans les secrets de la ville... / In the secrets of the city...
vedebe: Pas chaud ce matin! / It's not warm this morning!
vedebe: Preuve que les flamants savent compter jusqu'à...8...! / Proof that flamingos can count to...8...!
vedebe: Des lignes... / Lines...
Sandra Lipproß: Sveti Tomaž
ken.helal: Bald Eagle Season Winds Down but It’s Not Over
jmsoler: Serie luz y letras - Mara
phil norton photography: Godafoss. Iceland
Hans Kruse Photography: Morning in the Dolomites
j. mercier: _VM_6788 - Wild horses. (Explored)
marcolemos71: u n i t e d c o l o r s
live..simply: three things, out of many, I like about here
Dackelpup: Cirilla
bulbocode909: Nature neigeuse
ff.frances: Pureté
Helmut Hess: das runde im eckigen...
Virginie Maronne: Winter Lady
NSnooze: IMG_20241227_132049
Tony N.: Mullerthal
Frank van Dongen: Into the Wild
1D110: Paris et ses galeries
AnneLise Pollet: De ma fenêtre