Caroline S White: Out now - in Penglais Woods 2
Caroline S White: Simply radiant (Llanerchaeron NT)
Caroline S White: Spring colours
Caroline S White: Hellebore post-shower (Llanerchaeron, NT)
Caroline S White: Hellebores galore, west walled garden, Llanerchaeron NT
Caroline S White: Hellebore @ Llanerchaeron NT
Caroline S White: Fun Foliage
Caroline S White: Penglais Dingle Flora 2
Caroline S White: Penglais Dingle Flora 3
Caroline S White: In flight...
Caroline S White: Take off?
Caroline S White: Pink flower... (named?)
Caroline S White: Vibrant Dwarf Irises
Caroline S White: Basking in the Winter sun.
Caroline S White: This was white ... it might be Toothwort ... what do you think? If so, it is a plant and not a fungus. Now looking for plant groups...
Caroline S White: Leafy Delight
Caroline S White: Leafy Delight 2
Caroline S White: Llanerchaeron greenhouse cactus.
Caroline S White: P1040058RoseBayWHatitsbest
Caroline S White: Out now - in Penglais Woods 3
Caroline S White: Coming out in Penglais Woods 2
Caroline S White: Yes- seen in Wales (UK) at the end of November!
Caroline S White: Character Ancient Tree
Caroline S White: Coming out in Penglais Woods 1
Caroline S White: Out now- in Penglais Woods 1
Caroline S White: Mayflower on the Horizon (not)
Caroline S White: Shropshire Tree Line