lanceeaton01: Because Sometimes, Nostalgia Is Just a Game Controller Away
lanceeaton01: The first battle is always the easiest! #FF4 #nintendo
lanceeaton01: Baigan was such a snake...a wormwod if i ever saw one #FF4 #nintendo #finalfantasy
lanceeaton01: Kain's always for your back...except when he doesn't! #FF4 #finalfantasy #nintendo #spoileralert
lanceeaton01: Enter Rosa...good with a spell, good with a biw, and good for the heart #finalfantasy #FF4 #nintendo
lanceeaton01: And faithful Cid! Have airship, will travel! #FF4 #finalfantasy #nintendo
lanceeaton01: Rosa with a late night visit...hmmm #WhatsThisGameRated? #FF4 #finalfantasy #nintendo
lanceeaton01: "JUST a Dark Knight? " #HolyBatman Is this a crossover I never knew about? #finalfantasy #FF4 #nintendo
lanceeaton01: Why yes, i am live tweeting #finalfantasy #FF4, thank you die noticing. #BecauseWeCanCanCan #nintendo
lanceeaton01: Resist the urge to rename your characters with inappropriate names...#YouCanDoIt #finalfantasy #FF4 #nintendo
lanceeaton01: Why does the 8-bit dancing girl, still make me feel awkward? #IThoughtIWasAnAdult #finalfantasy #FF4 #nintendo
lanceeaton01: Is that a big#Chocobo or the Bayard child of#HowardTheDuck? Another #finalfantasy crossover? #FF4 #nintendo
lanceeaton01: I think that #Chocobo is shaking his but suggestively, don't you? #finalfantasy #FF4 #nintendo
lanceeaton01: I mean, is it ethically right, to fight and kill larva? #DeepThoughts #finalfantasy #FF4 #nintendo
lanceeaton01: Do you hear voices? I hear voices. #finalfantasy #FF4 #nintendo
lanceeaton01: Kain leveled up...such a badass Dragoon #FF4 #finalfantasy #nintendo
lanceeaton01: Is it still #pc to call then imps? It feels impolite. Maybe short-tempered hellions? #FF4 #finalfantasy #nintendo
lanceeaton01: Why do characters always be crying when low on hp? #finalfantasy #FF4 #nintendo
lanceeaton01: Uh oh! The mist is gathering! You know what that means! The first big bad boss is upon us! #finalfantasy #FF4 #nintendo #bigbad
lanceeaton01: The Mist Dragon in the Mist Caves near the town of Mist... #okwegetit #finalfantasy #FF4 #nintendo
lanceeaton01: You can't fight the mist! #finalfantasy #FF4 #nintendo
lanceeaton01: Just once, I would like to enter the town of Mist and not totally and utterly destroy it. Is that too much to ask?#finalfantasy #FF4 #nintendo
lanceeaton01: And so the rebellion begins!#finalfantasy #FF4 #nintendo
lanceeaton01: Let's fight a little girl, they said. It will be easy, they said. And then she summoned Titan. #OhNoSheDidnt #finalfantasy #FF4 #nintendo
lanceeaton01: and we're off again,...Cecil all alone in the desert...#finalfantasy #ff #nintendo #nostalgia #gameplay
lanceeaton01: it's about proportion...or not... #finalfantasy #ff #nintendo #nostalgia #gameplay
lanceeaton01: Kaipo...seems an awful lot like Cairo... #finalfantasy #ff #nintendo #nostalgia #gameplay
lanceeaton01: Why does Baron always gotta be hating--even in the middle of the night! #finalfantasy #ff #nintendo #nostalgia #gameplay
lanceeaton01: So you killed my mom and destroyed my village, but you fought those guards--so I like totally forgive you...#noprob #seemsfair #finalfantasy #ff #nintendo #nostalgia #gameplay
lanceeaton01: uh oh! Rosa's in trouble...It's all Cecil's fault...everything!#finalfantasy #ff #nintendo #nostalgia #gameplay