nareshaweb: White-breasted nuthatch at nest
nareshaweb: White-breasted nuthatch at nest
nareshaweb: Western wood-pewee
nareshaweb: Western wood-pewee
nareshaweb: Turkey vulture against the stormy sky
nareshaweb: Turkey vultures gaining altitude
nareshaweb: Turkey vultures, more familiar silhouette
nareshaweb: Band-tailed pigeon
nareshaweb: Lilac-crowned parrot
nareshaweb: Red-crowned parrots
nareshaweb: Red-crowned type parrot
nareshaweb: Lilac-crowned parrots (and yellow-headed parrot)
nareshaweb: Red-crowned and lilac-crowned parrots
nareshaweb: Red-crowned and lilac-crowned parrots
nareshaweb: Lilac-crowned and red-crowned parrots
nareshaweb: Yellow-headed parrot
nareshaweb: Yellow-headed parrot
nareshaweb: Yellow-headed parrots
nareshaweb: Yellow-headed parrots
nareshaweb: Spring song
nareshaweb: Bluebird pair
nareshaweb: Chipping sparrow
nareshaweb: Nuttall's woodpecker
nareshaweb: FOS Bullock's oriole
nareshaweb: FOS Bullock's oriole
nareshaweb: Brown-headed cowbird
nareshaweb: Interesting chipping sparrow, partially leucistic
nareshaweb: Red-shouldered hawk
nareshaweb: Brewer's blackbird
nareshaweb: Indigo bunting