jasonclarke_bb: tumblr_ngorc3kwBw1r2y8uzo1_1280
jasonclarke_bb: There is beauty in Truth
jasonclarke_bb: Attention ALL Politiocians
jasonclarke_bb: Happy birthday
jasonclarke_bb: Eggstrordinary
jasonclarke_bb: Now you know what a Water Outfall on a Dam looks like.
jasonclarke_bb: Dedication
jasonclarke_bb: Watching magic show carra garden
jasonclarke_bb: What a buzz!
jasonclarke_bb: Arsewipe Photographer
jasonclarke_bb: YEZzQr6LsGw36XPeCR
jasonclarke_bb: Wise Monkeys - wiser Child
jasonclarke_bb: IMG_6126
jasonclarke_bb: Great shot of an elegantly presented Philosophy
jasonclarke_bb: Eternal fire in the ground.
jasonclarke_bb: The Earth of fire - really
jasonclarke_bb: A nuclear detonation
jasonclarke_bb: nuclear explosion, the classic Mushroom
jasonclarke_bb: Hand weapons are O K then?
jasonclarke_bb: launching @ the new frankston marina?
jasonclarke_bb: Building a fence around the problems of Climate Change
jasonclarke_bb: Rust is so inadequite
jasonclarke_bb: I live to the right, just on the other side
jasonclarke_bb: The concept AND the mechanics
jasonclarke_bb: a water inlet point on Monticello Dam, California
jasonclarke_bb: Copy of climate change human sign stkilda beach (29)
jasonclarke_bb: Starvation, produced & directed by Capitalism
jasonclarke_bb: You can't hide the Truth