ohioquilter: here is another have 4 in all
ohioquilter: night vision drinking
ohioquilter: snowy one eyed cat
ohioquilter: spoted cat left here
ohioquilter: whiskers & night vision
ohioquilter: two baby hamsters
ohioquilter: whiskers
ohioquilter: caleb's turtle Named Shellty
ohioquilter: whiskers
ohioquilter: The queens of the house
ohioquilter: baby bird
ohioquilter: Mr. ONe Ear
ohioquilter: Night Vision laying on my cedar chest
ohioquilter: Queen Night Vision
ohioquilter: Whiskers Sleeping
ohioquilter: night vision sleeping in the flower bed
ohioquilter: One ear - stray left here
ohioquilter: Mr. one ear & Tom
ohioquilter: tom got caught out in the rain
ohioquilter: Mr. One ear & tom keeping warm
ohioquilter: Mr. One ear doing what he does best
ohioquilter: Josh holding one of his chickens 3/06
ohioquilter: Josh got one calm to sit with him
ohioquilter: 3/06 Josh's new chicken there are 4
ohioquilter: Josh put the chicken to sleep, LOL
ohioquilter: 100_2378