Rainbow at the end of the day. How do we know? Well, the obvious clue was the sun just an hour above the horizon, but the big clue was it’s size! That’s a pretty big rainbow and needed a pano shot to get it all in. The anti solar point for this particular
Toad in the road. Charlie Pops stepped right over him as he meandered across a local footpath. #amphibian #closeupphotography #walkingthedog
Intrepid Scotland wants to open a shop in Aberfoyle in the heart of #lomondtrossachs National Park, offering a fantastic customer experience where visitors and locals alike can purchase adventure essentials and outdoor themed pocket money toys and gifts.
Willow Hangs On. I spotted this willow at Loch Chon, hanging on to most of its summer foliage, while all around, the trees had lost theirs. It was almost a ‘double take’ moment, especially as the tree is exposed to the prevailing winds. I thought it was m
A squirrel’s breakfast. A good safe place, with visibility all around provides a great place for a meal. I wonder if the cross cuts in the stump were considered because they provide extra grip for scrabbling claws when making a rapid getaway. These are Si
The Tram From Ingliston. #edinburgh #dayout #unfiltered #unedited #iphonephotography
Merging from the right. Handheld #nikon #d610 #waterfalls #aberfeldy #movingwater
Cleave. From green to gold on the Birks of Aberfeldy. #autumn #birksofaberfeldy #autumnphotography #hiddenscotland
Clouds Made By Trees. #lochard #autumn #autumncolours
Young stag with uneven crown.
With the sun already rising 10 degrees south of due east signifying that we’re well into autumn, the school minibus run produced this shot from the roadside. This pic contained the least number of photo sins. IPhone 8 using the HDRPro app. #sunrise #sunri
Mushroom Push-ups #fungi #mushrooms
Wood Wasp. Often scary looking because its ovipositor looks like a great big stinger! #insect #lomondtrossachs #threelochsforestdrive
Come & see intrepid today @ Aberfoyle Bike Hire family day #aberfoylebikehire #lochlomondandtrossachsnationalpark
Of Great Interest
Tide coming in or going out? At times like this, refer to your #SixthSense. #wildsignsandstarpaths #Morar #Beach #TropicalScotland #TravelPhotography
We’re on the road to the isles but I can still tell which way I’m looking by the direction of the aeroplanes travel. This far north, most planes you see here are flying northwest (to the US) or southeast (home).
Overwhelmed. Quite different from the natural navigator’s north facing ‘lone straggler’, this daffodil is surrounded by a sea of wild garlic (broad leaved garlic, wood garlic, buckram, bear leek). Every year the lower Aberfeldy Birks path is bordered by t
A tawny owl, spotted near Killin a few days ago. We saw ‘a bird that wasn’t a buzzard’ fly into a birch wood. It remained unperturbed as we crept about, 30 feet below, and photographed it. We kept our movements slow and deliberate and were chuffed to leav
Tawny Owl
Cuckoo and Space
Spring Storm. I had to take a considerable detour to start my patrol today due to a head on collision outside Callander. I don’t think that there were any fatalities so, good news there. Such a shame though that my delight in capturing this moment paid fo
Wood Warbler
Black Throated Diver (Gavia arctica). Not a great photo as it was opportunistic and very far away. I had heard reports of a diver on the Loch and was delighted to find a pair.
Inside the Cathedral. Looking up one morning near Milton of Aberfoyle in the #LochArdForest. Charlie was by my feet and I’d like to say he was looking with awe at the spectacle, but no, he was weeing on my boots. #SunInTrees #PineTreesInSunlight #FCS