Rogg4n: The Soul of Gruère - Jura - Switzerland
Rogg4n: May it be just a start ... Snowflakes n°10 2016
Rogg4n: Shooting Star - Snowflakes 9 - Golden flake
Rogg4n: Snowflake n°5 - 2017
Rogg4n: Cascade - Yibin Bamboo Sea - Sichuan (China)
Rogg4n: Cable Car Climbing up Zhiangjiajie - Hunan - China
Rogg4n: zhangjiajie National Park - Hunan - China
Rogg4n: Huangshan Mountains - Silhouette - China
Rogg4n: The Great Wall - Mutianyu - Beijing - China
Rogg4n: Taking a Picture - Hongcun - Anhui - China
Rogg4n: Moonset above les Grandes-Crosettes - Winter scene - La Chaux-de-Fonds - Switzerland
Rogg4n: Snowy Sunset over La Sagne - La Chaux-de-Fonds - Switzerland
Rogg4n: Sunrise over the Alps - Vue-des-Alpes - Neuchâtel - Switzerland
Rogg4n: Lets Save the Sunrise above les Geneveys-sur-Coffrane
Rogg4n: Another Morning over the Enchanted Forest - Creux-du-Van - Switzerland
Rogg4n: Poppy in the Field ...
Rogg4n: Château de Neuchâtel at sunrise - Switzerland
Rogg4n: Jura Hills by Night - La Chaux-de-Fonds - Switzerland
Rogg4n: Mon Terroir, c'est les Galaxies ...
Rogg4n: How's Flickr Doing ? - Derborence - Switzerland