graham.trimming: Bob's opening address
graham.trimming: The first award went to Tony P for lowest score
graham.trimming: Tony P's award for lowest score
graham.trimming: Bob presents Captain's Cup to Brian
graham.trimming: Brian with the Captain's Cup
graham.trimming: Bob presents Most Improved Player award to Andy C
graham.trimming: Andy C and his Most Improved Player Award
graham.trimming: Bob S inspects his award for most yellow highlighters!
graham.trimming: Our Convener supreme opens his box of tricks
graham.trimming: Bob W introduces the game of Bob's balls - referring to Bob S - higher or lower!
graham.trimming: Bob S - now the recipient of his bag of Bob's Balls
graham.trimming: Tony M's present was a key ring with a "Keep Calm" message
graham.trimming: Mark, the golf professional, took this pic of the happy group - all 11 of us!
graham.trimming: Bob now turns his attention to Andy L with a gift of super high tees
graham.trimming: Andy L with his gift of super high tees
graham.trimming: What's this? - WD40 for Andy L's dodgy knees and squeeky wheels
graham.trimming: A supply of Andy L's favourite Noodle balls
graham.trimming: Bob is now in full flow
graham.trimming: Mike T receives some easy to find yellow balls
graham.trimming: Mike B opens his gift
graham.trimming: Mike B's gift is a wine glass suitably inscribed
graham.trimming: What's this? Frank has a quizzical look!
graham.trimming: For Frank it was poker chip ball markers that include a putt alignment tool!
graham.trimming: Finally, it was Graham's turn - a mug to record all the day's stats!