graham.trimming: Approach to the shed
graham.trimming: 1338 waits another day
graham.trimming: Old stagers 3822 and 5322 look across in admiration at the new Saint
graham.trimming: 3822 and 5322 sit idle
graham.trimming: Driver steps up to 6023
graham.trimming: Crew of 6998 discuss next step
graham.trimming: The Saint from the rear
graham.trimming: 5322 looks ahead past the coaling stage
graham.trimming: No work today for Bonnie Prince Charlie
graham.trimming: Inspecting the prairie
graham.trimming: The inspector
graham.trimming: Sitting comfortably on footplate of 6998
graham.trimming: Stepping up to 6998
graham.trimming: Let's just stick around here for a while
graham.trimming: Crew of 6998 in discussion
graham.trimming: Is this wheel properly connected?
graham.trimming: It's getting steamy in here - how does this lamp work?
graham.trimming: 6998 is not to be moved!
graham.trimming: Discussions continue outside the shed
graham.trimming: King Edward II basks in the final light of the day
graham.trimming: Climbing aboard Burton Agnes Hall
graham.trimming: Don't forget your lamp!
graham.trimming: It's quite dark in here at night!
graham.trimming: Almost ready to go
graham.trimming: Time to go home
graham.trimming: It's been a long day!
graham.trimming: In Silhouette