Marks-Gallery: Sunset over Victorias high country
Marks-Gallery: Scarlet Robin
Marks-Gallery: Fog filled mountains of Victorians alpine country
Marks-Gallery: My brother holding a 4lb Brown Trout
Marks-Gallery: Lake Hume Victoria
Marks-Gallery: Grey Shrike Thrush
Marks-Gallery: Female Satin Bowerbird
Marks-Gallery: Satin Bowerbird
Marks-Gallery: Satin Bowerbird
Marks-Gallery: Crimson Rosella in flight
Marks-Gallery: Gang Gang Cockatoo Portrait
Marks-Gallery: Female Gang Gang Cockatoo
Marks-Gallery: Male Gang Gang Cockatoo
Marks-Gallery: Lake Dartmouth VIC
Marks-Gallery: Alpine National Park VIC
Marks-Gallery: Kangaroo in Victoria's high country
Marks-Gallery: Barn Swallows in a domestic dispute
Marks-Gallery: Dartmouth Valley
Marks-Gallery: White Bellied Sea Eagle at sunset
Marks-Gallery: Panoramic over Lake Banimboola
Marks-Gallery: Head of Cattle
Marks-Gallery: Noisy Friarbird
Marks-Gallery: Noisy Friarbird
Marks-Gallery: Noisy Friarbird
Marks-Gallery: Rising Fog
Marks-Gallery: Fan-Tailed Cuckoo
Marks-Gallery: Channel-Billed Cuckoo