*altglas*: pandora's box
*altglas*: hope road (XI)
*altglas*: lost in twilight
*altglas*: through the wolf's eye
*altglas*: in the deep forest
*altglas*: Rotkäppchen
*altglas*: hope road (X)
*altglas*: vincent
*altglas*: hope road (IX)
*altglas*: hope road (VIII)
*altglas*: hope road (VII)
*altglas*: hope road (VI)
*altglas*: hope road (V)
*altglas*: hope road (IV)
*altglas*: hope road (III)
*altglas*: hope road (II)
*altglas*: hope road (I)
*altglas*: Temptation
*altglas*: temptation
*altglas*: Apple of Knowledge
*altglas*: Meander
*altglas*: Trust me!
*altglas*: Book of Knowledge
*altglas*: Die Heilige Schrift
*altglas*: Bible
*altglas*: Bookworm
*altglas*: the bright future
*altglas*: the dark future
*altglas*: delphi (analog I)
*altglas*: delphi (analog II)