Raffaella T.: I colori del domino - Macro Mondays -In a Row-
Raffaella T.: Cosa aprirà? Macro Monday - EDGE
Raffaella T.: La spiga
Raffaella T.: Sweet..sleep - Macro Mondays Spooky and Frightful
Raffaella T.: Something of me - My daily routine - Macro Mondays
Raffaella T.: Mysterious Object Black&Pink - "Macro Mondays - Mysterious"
Raffaella T.: Macro Mondays - Stitch
Raffaella T.: Macro Mondays - Beatles/Beetles
Raffaella T.: Arrow --> HMM
Raffaella T.: Macro Mondays - It's Alive
Raffaella T.: Un sorso di stelle - A sip of stars
Raffaella T.: Buttons
Raffaella T.: Corner
Raffaella T.: "Verba volant, scripta manent". Macro Mondays - Just white paper
Raffaella T.: Sei proprio un carciofo!
Raffaella T.: Click - Clack "Macro Mondays" - "Contraption"
Raffaella T.: Stile Italiano - Italian style
Raffaella T.: Cuore a cuore - Macro Mondays "Heart"
Raffaella T.: Snowdrop
Raffaella T.: In&Out for Macro Mondays Theme "The space in between"
Raffaella T.: Alternative Egg HMM (Explored)
Raffaella T.: Made of Metal - HMM
Raffaella T.: For Macro Mondays theme "Cloth/Textile"
Raffaella T.: Senti che bel rumore..
Raffaella T.: Coriander seeds
Raffaella T.: A sleeper in the moss
Raffaella T.: Abstract drops - For Macro Mondays Theme
Raffaella T.: Abstract fantasy
Raffaella T.: Pisces #MacroMondays #Zodiac
Raffaella T.: The Thimble of my Mom #Sidelit