Dreaming of the Sea: Yellow fungi [15mm tall]
Dreaming of the Sea: Tiny [water droplets half the size of a pin head]
Dreaming of the Sea: New Beginning
Dreaming of the Sea: Red mushroom [Splendid Red Skinhead]
Dreaming of the Sea: Bracket Fungi
Dreaming of the Sea: In the woods
Dreaming of the Sea: Red-cage fungus [Clathrus ruber]
Dreaming of the Sea: Air plaint on Mangrove tree [Bundaberg Australia]
Dreaming of the Sea: Lichen, on Mangrove Trees
Dreaming of the Sea: Lichen, on Orange Mangrove Trees
Dreaming of the Sea: I wouldn't eat it [Boletellus emodensis]
Dreaming of the Sea: Burrum Coast National Park