Dreaming of the Sea: In the morning light
Dreaming of the Sea: almost black n white #5
Dreaming of the Sea: Shimmering lights
Dreaming of the Sea: Through the Reeds
Dreaming of the Sea: Bugsy, almost 6
Dreaming of the Sea: Rainbow Lorikeet
Dreaming of the Sea: Into the Sun
Dreaming of the Sea: Bling- bling
Dreaming of the Sea: Coleus plant [7DWF black & white]
Dreaming of the Sea: Beautiful Butterfly
Dreaming of the Sea: Out of focus
Dreaming of the Sea: Thumb tack [double exposure]
Dreaming of the Sea: Licorice toffee lolly wrapping
Dreaming of the Sea: Safety pins
Dreaming of the Sea: In a Bottle,sequins
Dreaming of the Sea: Pigface [of some sort]
Dreaming of the Sea: Chains of Gold
Dreaming of the Sea: Mosquito net