Dreaming of the Sea: Staedtler [7DWF Macro or Close up]
Dreaming of the Sea: Orchid root [sticking out of pot]
Dreaming of the Sea: Orchard root
Dreaming of the Sea: Bundaberg Rum
Dreaming of the Sea: Lit by Candlelight [ 1 candle ] Glass beads
Dreaming of the Sea: Minion [7DWF]
Dreaming of the Sea: Beautiful Butterfly
Dreaming of the Sea: Angels on Earth [Christmas card]
Dreaming of the Sea: up close - Raspy Cricket ??
Dreaming of the Sea: Orchid, Laelia
Dreaming of the Sea: Laser pointer
Dreaming of the Sea: Laelia Orchid
Dreaming of the Sea: Bigggg yawn
Dreaming of the Sea: Eye spy [Bugsy]
Dreaming of the Sea: Bug [tipula]
Dreaming of the Sea: Turtle shell
Dreaming of the Sea: Cowrie Sheels [ Black-spotted cowrie]
Dreaming of the Sea: Australian 50c coin [Australia Day 2010]
Dreaming of the Sea: Thumb tacks
Dreaming of the Sea: Light shade