Dreaming of the Sea: Starry starry night
Dreaming of the Sea: Scary Night
Dreaming of the Sea: Moon and Stars 3rd June 2015 6.47pm est Australia
Dreaming of the Sea: Night lights Venus n Jupiter and Regulus. Australia
Dreaming of the Sea: object near moon 1 (ISS)
Dreaming of the Sea: object near moon 2 ( ISS)
Dreaming of the Sea: object near moon (1) ISS
Dreaming of the Sea: object near moon (2) ISS
Dreaming of the Sea: Shooting star with Venus and Jupiter
Dreaming of the Sea: Night Lights (timelapse)
Dreaming of the Sea: UFO Bundaberg Australia (3 of 3)
Dreaming of the Sea: UFO Bundaberg Australia (2 of 3)
Dreaming of the Sea: UFO Bundaberg Australia (1 of 3)
Dreaming of the Sea: Venus (to the right of the moon) 25th March 2016
Dreaming of the Sea: Venus (time lapse)
Dreaming of the Sea: Blue skys above
Dreaming of the Sea: Blue moon [full moon]