Dreaming of the Sea: up a pole - Eastern bearded dragon
Dreaming of the Sea: high flyer 2
Dreaming of the Sea: Fire truck, Bundaberg [after 2010 floods]
Dreaming of the Sea: Elephant Ears, flower
Dreaming of the Sea: Bundaberg City Council, Alexandra Park
Dreaming of the Sea: Bundaberg floods 2013 #4
Dreaming of the Sea: High flyer 21
Dreaming of the Sea: Bundaberg floods 2013
Dreaming of the Sea: Young Bugsy
Dreaming of the Sea: Bottle Brush (Dawson River) common
Dreaming of the Sea: River Marine Life [Bundaberg Australia]
Dreaming of the Sea: Bundaberg floods January 2013 25
Dreaming of the Sea: Bundaberg floods, Bundaberg floods January 2013,state school on left library on right and looking west to railway line
Dreaming of the Sea: Bugsy and a Blue Tiger Butterfly
Dreaming of the Sea: My old garden
Dreaming of the Sea: Power to the people
Dreaming of the Sea: Crested Pigeon
Dreaming of the Sea: tallest in Bundaberg. (AUSWIDE)
Dreaming of the Sea: Tailed Emperor butterfly
Dreaming of the Sea: black swans near Bundaberg railway bridge Burnett River ,January floods 2013
Dreaming of the Sea: back yard Bundaberg
Dreaming of the Sea: Bugsy just awake
Dreaming of the Sea: Bundaberg Regional Arts Gallery (2)
Dreaming of the Sea: Fujifilm XP150
Dreaming of the Sea: Bundaberg floods 28th January 2013 underwater carpark
Dreaming of the Sea: Impatient flower