Dreaming of the Sea: Sugarcane fire
Dreaming of the Sea: Sugarcane fire
Dreaming of the Sea: Capricorn 1
Dreaming of the Sea: Burnett River
Dreaming of the Sea: Milliquan sugar mill & Bundaberg Rum
Dreaming of the Sea: after the floods of 2013
Dreaming of the Sea: Burnett River #2
Dreaming of the Sea: Burnett River & the old traffic bridge
Dreaming of the Sea: Stella Vll [Nikon P520]
Dreaming of the Sea: Stella [through the glass window of the RSL Bundaberg]
Dreaming of the Sea: Burnett River Bundaberg
Dreaming of the Sea: Windsong, Burnett River Bundaberg
Dreaming of the Sea: Burnett Trafic Bridge
Dreaming of the Sea: The old Burnett traffic bridge Aug 24th 1900
Dreaming of the Sea: Burnett Traffic Bridge Bundaberg
Dreaming of the Sea: Burnett Bridge Bundaberg
Dreaming of the Sea: M. V. Oranje
Dreaming of the Sea: black swans near Bundaberg railway bridge Burnett River ,January floods 2013
Dreaming of the Sea: Marine Rescue Burnett River Bundaberg
Dreaming of the Sea: Old tug [used as salvage vessel after floods Bundaberg Jan 2013]
Dreaming of the Sea: A Whiter Shade of Pale
Dreaming of the Sea: Burnett River Bundaberg,cane fire
Dreaming of the Sea: Bundaberg - 1873
Dreaming of the Sea: Water police Burnett River Bundaberg