FotoKore: The || Puzzle
FotoKore: Shadow Of || A Doubt
FotoKore: We Are || Done
FotoKore: Eclipse || In The Sky
FotoKore: See Through || These Circles
FotoKore: Dots || On A Line
FotoKore: All Goes || One Way
FotoKore: Maybe I'm || A Beggar
FotoKore: How To Clean || The Wall
FotoKore: It's The Way || It's Going To Be
FotoKore: At The Center || Of It All
FotoKore: Born The || Wrong Way Round
FotoKore: Where Can I || Buy My Gasoline
FotoKore: Gear Wheel || Sound Effect
FotoKore: Footprints || In The Sand
FotoKore: Waiting For || The Worms
FotoKore: In The || Shadow Of
FotoKore: People Who Live In Glass Houses || Shouldn't Throw Stones
FotoKore: Seeing || Through
FotoKore: Keep It || Downstairs
FotoKore: The All || Seeing EYE
FotoKore: There Is Nowhere || For You To Hide
FotoKore: AT-AT || Imperial Walker
FotoKore: For You I'd || Bleed Myself Dry
FotoKore: Brolly || Sol
FotoKore: One || For All
FotoKore: The Gate || Is Closed
FotoKore: Swimming Through || The Stars || When I See Her
FotoKore: Somewhere || Underneath It All
FotoKore: The Stars || Go Blue