mudstuffing: We love collaboration on QuiltFusion!
mudstuffing: Trick or Treat!
mudstuffing: More Halloween Artwork from Marish
mudstuffing: Mexican Day of the Dead from Marish!
mudstuffing: queenfinch
mudstuffing: Wine Tasting
mudstuffing: Attachment
mudstuffing: In the Quilt Gallery
mudstuffing: The landscape madness continues!
mudstuffing: Landscapes & Trees
mudstuffing: New Trees & Landscapes!
mudstuffing: Off to the coast...
mudstuffing: img201572103846
mudstuffing: img201572103938
mudstuffing: Summer Sunrise
mudstuffing: Battle of Britain
mudstuffing: Friday Madness!
mudstuffing: Grape Wreath
mudstuffing: Monster Appliqué Quilt Patterns
mudstuffing: Brunch
mudstuffing: True Love
mudstuffing: The Sun is Shining!
mudstuffing: Attachment
mudstuffing: IMG_0486
mudstuffing: IMG_0491
mudstuffing: IMG_0493
mudstuffing: WIP Everything is smoothed over and the seam in non-existent.
mudstuffing: A coil is slipWIP ped and pressed in to fill the groove.
mudstuffing: WIP Cutting grooves