Chris G Earley: Lesson's Motmot
Chris G Earley: Lesson's Motmot
Chris G Earley: Lesson's Motmot
Chris G Earley: Lesson's Motmot
Chris G Earley: Variegated Squirrel
Chris G Earley: Fasciated Tiger-Heron
Chris G Earley: Fasciated Tiger-Heron
Chris G Earley: Hummertown
Chris G Earley: IMG_8323
Chris G Earley: IMG_8321
Chris G Earley: IMG_8318
Chris G Earley: IMG_8311
Chris G Earley: Long-tailed Tyrant
Chris G Earley: Black-crowned Tityra
Chris G Earley: Oropendula nests
Chris G Earley: Chestnut-backed Oropendula
Chris G Earley: We're here!
Chris G Earley: Green Basilisk
Chris G Earley: Waldo the Pauraque
Chris G Earley: Photographing the Pauraque
Chris G Earley: Three-toed Sloth
Chris G Earley: Strawberry Poison Dart Frog
Chris G Earley: Strawberry Poison Dart Frog
Chris G Earley: White-collared Manakin
Chris G Earley: White-collared Manakin
Chris G Earley: White-collared Manakin
Chris G Earley: White-collared Manakin
Chris G Earley: White-collared Manakin
Chris G Earley: White-collared Manakin arena
Chris G Earley: White-collared Manakin nest