Chris G Earley: Equator!
Chris G Earley: Equator!
Chris G Earley: I just couldn't do it, but they probably taste great.
Chris G Earley: Otavalo
Chris G Earley: Otavalo
Chris G Earley: Otavalo
Chris G Earley: Otavalo
Chris G Earley: Weaving and Dying 101
Chris G Earley: Teasel used for carding wool.
Chris G Earley: Weaving and Dying 101
Chris G Earley: Weaving and Dying 101
Chris G Earley: Weaving and Dying 101
Chris G Earley: Weaving and Dying 101
Chris G Earley: Weaving and Dying 101
Chris G Earley: Weaving and Dying 101
Chris G Earley: Wall Art
Chris G Earley: Music 101
Chris G Earley: Rock on
Chris G Earley: Galapagos Tortoise!
Chris G Earley: Tortoise poo
Chris G Earley: Galapagos Tortoise
Chris G Earley: Galapagos Tortoise
Chris G Earley: Galapagos Tortoise
Chris G Earley: Mating Galapagos Tortoises
Chris G Earley: Brown Pelcian
Chris G Earley: Lava Lizard on Santa Cruz
Chris G Earley: Giant Opuntia
Chris G Earley: Vegetarian Finch caught in the act.
Chris G Earley: Vegetarian Finch