janeannfag: Brush Turkey in a Tree
janeannfag: Rainbow Lorikeet in the Grevillea Tree
janeannfag: Ambling Along
janeannfag: Rainbow Lorikeet and the Grevillea Flower
janeannfag: Breakfast
janeannfag: Australian Ibis
janeannfag: Rainbow Bee-eater
janeannfag: Male Brush Turkey
janeannfag: A collage of my wet walk in Arakwal National Park, Byron Bay, NSW, Australia.
janeannfag: Crested Pigeon in my garden
janeannfag: Variegated Fairy Wren
janeannfag: Red - browed Finch
janeannfag: Immature Eastern Rosella
janeannfag: Rainbow Bee-eater with a meal of Dragonfly.
janeannfag: Mid Eating
janeannfag: Little Wattlebird sipping the nectar of the Pink Euodia flower.
janeannfag: Noisy Miner in the Grevillea Tree
janeannfag: Wetlands Walk
janeannfag: This Morning’s Wet and Muggy Walk to Tallow Creek, Byron Bay, NSW, Australia.
janeannfag: Bar-shouldered Dove
janeannfag: Wet Kookaburra Portrait
janeannfag: Grooming Kookaburra!
janeannfag: Noisy Miner in the Grevilllea
janeannfag: Superb Fairy Wren (Male)
janeannfag: Lewin’s Honeyeater
janeannfag: A Fluffy Willie Wagtail
janeannfag: Juvenile Pied Butcherbird
janeannfag: Male ( colourful ) and Female Red Rump Parrot
janeannfag: Male Red Rump Parrot Peeking Through.
janeannfag: Juvenile Dusky Woodswallow