oli-31: NGC7000 (America Nebula)
oli-31: NGC7000 (America Nebula)
oli-31: Milky Way from Ustaritz (Pays Basque, France)
oli-31: Milky Way mosaic
oli-31: Startrails
oli-31: Supermoon Lunar Eclipse 2015
oli-31: Full colored moon
oli-31: Solar task
oli-31: Tycho lunar crater
oli-31: Sirsalis lunar groove and Cavalerius crater
oli-31: Janssen lunar grooves and Vlacq crater
oli-31: Altai lunar cliffs and Piccolomini crater
oli-31: M8 & M20 - The Lagoon and Trifid Nebulae (Ha-RGB)
oli-31: M8 & M20 - The Lagoon and Trifid Nebulae (Ha-SHO)
oli-31: NGC 2237 - Rosette nebula (Ha-SHO)
oli-31: Horsehead nebula (IC434) & Flame nebula (NGC 2024)
oli-31: Milky Way at Gaube lake (Pyrénées, France)
oli-31: Milky Way at Lutour valley (Time lapse)
oli-31: Milky Way at Gaube lake (Time lapse)
oli-31: Star trails at Gaube lake
oli-31: Shooting star with Milky Way at Lutour valley (Pyrénées, France)
oli-31: M16 - The Eagle Nebula with Pillars of Creation
oli-31: NGC 2237 - Rosette nebula (Ha-SHO)
oli-31: Horsehead nebula (IC434) & Flame nebula (NGC 2024) - Ha-SHO
oli-31: Great Orion Nebula (M42)
oli-31: Comet Atlas (C/2019 Y4)
oli-31: The Great Globular Cluster in Hercules (M13)
oli-31: The Andromeda Galaxy (M31)
oli-31: Heart Nebula (IC1805) & Fishhead Nebula (IC1795)
oli-31: Jupiter - 2020/07/07