afvintage: the Speedboat "Jean ARGAUD"
afvintage: the Speedboat "Jean ARGAUD" (close-up)
afvintage: the Speedboat "Jean ARGAUD", detail
afvintage: the Speedboat "Jean ARGAUD" (verso of postcard)
afvintage: Cargo "Air France 1", AUGIS Insignia, obverse
afvintage: Cargo "Air France 1" Insignia, reverse, detail
afvintage: Air France: Aviso "Belfort" Postcard, front
afvintage: Aviso "Belfort" Postcard, back
afvintage: Air France: Freighter "AIR FRANCE V" docked in Dakar
afvintage: Air France Dakar's Harbour, the mechanic's and carpentry's Workshop, established on a Jetty
afvintage: Air France: Shipping Fleet Tie Pin, detail
afvintage: Shipping Fleet Tie Pin, reverse
afvintage: Shipping Fleet Pin & Button, obverse, comparison
afvintage: Shipping Fleet Pin & Button comparison, reverse, detail
afvintage: Air France: Shipping Fleet Buttonhole Insignia, obverse
afvintage: Shipping Fleet Buttonhole Insignia, reverse
afvintage: Air France's "Reims" Aviso Insignia, obverse
afvintage: Air France's "Reims" aviso insignia, reverse
afvintage: The "Carbet", mixed Passengers and Cargo Ship, later "CariMare" Weather Ship
afvintage: The "Caraibe" CGT Ship, later "CariMare" Weather Ship
afvintage: CGT's "Carimare" Cargo Postcard, re-used by Air France Transatlantique
afvintage: Cargoships Mont Viso and Carimare at Pointe-à-Pitre (Guadeloupe, France), 1937
afvintage: CariMare, crew, 06/11/1938
afvintage: Air France: CariMare, crewmember, detail
afvintage: CariMare, crew, 06/11/1938, detail
afvintage: CariMare, crew, back, stamps & caption
afvintage: High Seas Mail: Mail sent from the Carimaré, first Weather Ship ever, front
afvintage: Mail sent from the Carimaré, front, detail 02
afvintage: Mail sent from the Carimaré, first Stationary Weather Ship ever, back
afvintage: High Seas Mail sent from the Carimaré, front, detail 01