angchengsan9: Common kingfisher, alcedo atthis, hovering at midair 3/7
angchengsan9: Common Kingfisher, alcedo atthis with shrimps breaking wave.
angchengsan9: Common Kingfisher, alcedo atthis with indgestion waste in the mouth.
angchengsan9: The migratory Kingfisher, alcedo atthis had left and will be back 6 months later
angchengsan9: Common Kingfisher (Alcedo atthis.) with dark colour feather.
angchengsan9: 1/400 @ f5.6, landing of Common Kingfisher, alcedo atthis
angchengsan9: Newly arrived Alcedo Atthis,common kingfisher with stained plummage.
angchengsan9: Big head, small body Alcedo Atthis.
angchengsan9: Jumpy Common Kingfisher
angchengsan9: Clingy Common Kingfisher, Alcedo Atthis
angchengsan9: Common Kingfisher in flight at 1/1600 , f5.
angchengsan9: Common Kingfisher, Alcedo Atthis, in flight on a overcast day. 1/1600 , f4.
angchengsan9: Common Kingfisher at ease
angchengsan9: Antique habitual behaviour
angchengsan9: Common Kingfisher in flight with a fish, happy return.
angchengsan9: Black back Kingfisher reside in the woods.
angchengsan9: Black back Kingfisher also known as Oriental Dwarf Kingfisher unique Colour residing in South Asia and South East Asia countries
angchengsan9: Common Kingfisher sudden take off.
angchengsan9: Black back Kingfisher .Picture taken handheld 1/50, f5.6 using 300mm f2.8mm Canon lens and 1.4X converter ,420mm. There is some Breeze blowing through the wood creating a serene background.
angchengsan9: Ceyx erithaca, Black Back Kingfisher has a beautiful tail
angchengsan9: Alcedo Atthis, Common Kingfisher portrait.
angchengsan9: Albedo Atthis, Common Kingfisher looking for food.
angchengsan9: Alcedo Atthis, happy with a fish.
angchengsan9: Eye popping stress for both Kingfisher and the fly
angchengsan9: Quick dive by Alcedo Atthis, Common Kingfisher.
angchengsan9: Common Kingfisher's surge in mid air 2/2
angchengsan9: Common Kingfisher air brake at mid air
angchengsan9: Common Kingfisher spotted a target and making a move 2/2
angchengsan9: Common Kingfisher going for a dip.
angchengsan9: Common Kingfisher cannot resist scratching the ear.