Pep Peñarroya: Pisa skyline
Pep Peñarroya: Pisa sunset (colour version)
Pep Peñarroya: Pisa sunset (B&W version)
Pep Peñarroya: Checking the most famous angle ...
Pep Peñarroya: Pisa and Arno River
Pep Peñarroya: L'altra Pisa
Pep Peñarroya: Palio's day (7&last)- The race
Pep Peñarroya: Palio's day (6)- Forza!!!
Pep Peñarroya: Palio's day (5)- Everybody is here.
Pep Peñarroya: Palio's day (4)-Police presence in CAPS
Pep Peñarroya: Palio's day (3)- Preparing the track aka (The worst couple to dance ...)
Pep Peñarroya: Palio's day (2)-Waiting behind the fence
Pep Peñarroya: Palio's day (1)-Strada
Pep Peñarroya: Heaven Siena
Pep Peñarroya: Navigating the Po
Pep Peñarroya: Forbidden love (photographically speaking ...)
Pep Peñarroya: Angel Blessings
Pep Peñarroya: Big brother
Pep Peñarroya: Divergences
Pep Peñarroya: Stairs & windows
Pep Peñarroya: Advanced technology :))
Pep Peñarroya: Detail of Rome 3
Pep Peñarroya: Details of Rome 2
Pep Peñarroya: Details of Rome 1
Pep Peñarroya: The day progresses..
Pep Peñarroya: Window to Lucca
Pep Peñarroya: The Invisible iPAD...
Pep Peñarroya: Wife & the twins leaving the shadows, four years ago...
Pep Peñarroya: Exact weight