Fruit of the Loom - Da Kayo Kid: A Very Special Place in Time...........
Fruit of the Loom - Da Kayo Kid: I’m a terror and my Name is ALFIE.....
Fruit of the Loom - Da Kayo Kid: I think they might know where my ball is.
Fruit of the Loom - Da Kayo Kid: My Feral Friend Rosie
Fruit of the Loom - Da Kayo Kid: I'll never get this mustache right..
Fruit of the Loom - Da Kayo Kid: "The Caruso" of the Songbirds
Fruit of the Loom - Da Kayo Kid: American Gold Finch
Fruit of the Loom - Da Kayo Kid: One of my Finch Friends .....
Fruit of the Loom - Da Kayo Kid: Another Everyday Breakfast-Lunch and Dinner Guest. Ya just gotta admire their stick-to-it-ive-ness.
Fruit of the Loom - Da Kayo Kid: On the Street where I lived …..(2002-2016)
Fruit of the Loom - Da Kayo Kid: He's always chasing rainbows
Fruit of the Loom - Da Kayo Kid: A thought of Spring!
Fruit of the Loom - Da Kayo Kid: First Snow blankets the Delmarva and our gazebo...
Fruit of the Loom - Da Kayo Kid: Good Morning World!!!
Fruit of the Loom - Da Kayo Kid: T'was the night before Christmas in our backyard gazebo....
Fruit of the Loom - Da Kayo Kid: A Very Merry Christmas to ALL
Fruit of the Loom - Da Kayo Kid: Believe me............I did not do that......
Fruit of the Loom - Da Kayo Kid: A place in Time and Memories (2011-2016)...I miss it so much...
Fruit of the Loom - Da Kayo Kid: Plumeria ( Pua melia )
Fruit of the Loom - Da Kayo Kid: The Dark-eyed Junco
Fruit of the Loom - Da Kayo Kid: If you build it,.......... They will come!!!!!
Fruit of the Loom - Da Kayo Kid: I'll sing for my supper..and do it well, I might add....!!!
Fruit of the Loom - Da Kayo Kid: The magnetic charm of Autumn Mist........
Fruit of the Loom - Da Kayo Kid: Before I Begin my journey Southward.......
Fruit of the Loom - Da Kayo Kid: Empty Nest - Immediate Occupancy Available👪