Fruit of the Loom - Da Kayo Kid:
Fruit of the Loom - Da Kayo Kid:
Total Love
Fruit of the Loom - Da Kayo Kid:
Oh!!!! To be loved..........This is so GRRRRREAT!!!!!! Just lovin the lovin......
Fruit of the Loom - Da Kayo Kid:
Fruit of the Loom - Da Kayo Kid:
👀 Look Carefully now,....It’s ALFIE the TwoHeaded Dog.
Fruit of the Loom - Da Kayo Kid:
Memories ...the way it was 2014..
Fruit of the Loom - Da Kayo Kid:
I’m a terror and my Name is ALFIE.....
Fruit of the Loom - Da Kayo Kid:
I'll never get this mustache right..
Fruit of the Loom - Da Kayo Kid:
"..while visions of sugarplums danced thru his head.."
Fruit of the Loom - Da Kayo Kid:
Back again by "Popular Demand"
Fruit of the Loom - Da Kayo Kid:
He's always chasing rainbows
Fruit of the Loom - Da Kayo Kid:
Santa's Scout
Fruit of the Loom - Da Kayo Kid:
Believe me............I did not do that......
Fruit of the Loom - Da Kayo Kid:
Contemplating the ever elusive squirrel
Fruit of the Loom - Da Kayo Kid:
Alfie The Lhasa
Fruit of the Loom - Da Kayo Kid:
Pleezzz Pop……get me outa here……I’m beggin ya…..
Fruit of the Loom - Da Kayo Kid:
You know I love you…. Now……Gimme a kiss Pop.
Fruit of the Loom - Da Kayo Kid:
ALFIE - The Stairway to Heaven ( 2010-2024 )
Fruit of the Loom - Da Kayo Kid:
Anything but a bath Dad!! He thinks that I’m a water dog!!
Fruit of the Loom - Da Kayo Kid:
Introducing Barney