Jim Hoover Photography:
Now and Then @ East Brady, PA
Jim Hoover Photography:
American Legion @ Brady's Bend, PA
Jim Hoover Photography:
Now and Then, Market St @ Kittanning, PA
Jim Hoover Photography:
Now and Then @ Petrolia, PA
Jim Hoover Photography:
Now and Then @ Kittanning, PA
Jim Hoover Photography:
Now and Then @ Petrolia, PA
Jim Hoover Photography:
Now & Then "Wick City" @ Kittanning, PA
Jim Hoover Photography:
Now and Then - 100 years ago today @ Kittanning PA
Jim Hoover Photography:
Now and then on Orr Avenue @ Kittanning, PA
Jim Hoover Photography:
Kittanning Now & Then. Here are three different generations of the Saint Mary's Catholic Church located at same location along North Water Street.