christinapanteli: And you floated vainly as if you could reach the sky.
christinapanteli: Etherized by nature
christinapanteli: "She was a wanderess, a drop of free water. "
christinapanteli: "And she needs you"
christinapanteli: Stuck in dreaming about the future, she missed the actual wonderland that was in front of her.
christinapanteli: Sunset, Fikardou, Cyprus
christinapanteli: Βουνό Βουνί
christinapanteli: Βουνί
christinapanteli: Άγιος Θεράπων
christinapanteli: Άγιος Θεράπων
christinapanteli: Κρασοχώρι
christinapanteli: Blowin' in the wind